Anxiety Therapy

Has Anxiety Taken Control Of Your Life? 

Do you feel like anxiety is making all of your decisions for you? Is it causing you to isolate and avoid social events out of fear, even when you want to participate? Does it feel like the rug is being pulled out from under you and you have no control over your own life? 

Maybe you wake up with a sense of dread each morning. And when the day is done, perhaps you criticize everything you said and did and spend the night worrying about tomorrow. Eventually, you may start withdrawing from any situation where you could potentially embarrass yourself. Even though you know that certain activities would be good for you, you probably feel too anxious and overwhelmed to take part.

Anxiety And Low Self-Esteem Often Go Hand In Hand

Because of how anxiety can make you pass up new opportunities, you may feel filled with regret and disappointment. You might struggle with low self-esteem and worry that you’ll never accomplish your hopes and dreams. Although you want to change your life, you may not know what steps to take.

If this is how you feel, I encourage you to connect with me. As an anxiety therapist, I want to help you find the skills to overcome your deepest fears and live a fuller, more rewarding life.

Anxiety Is The Natural Result Of All The Collective Traumas Our Society Has Faced

The most common mental health issue in the United States is anxiety. More than 40 million adults have an anxiety disorder. None of this is surprising, considering all the collective traumas that we’ve faced in recent times. Between racism, climate change, COVID-19, increased poverty and violence, and an unstable political environment, anxiety is on the rise all over the country and all over the world.

In the end, however, it’s important to remember that anxiety is a normal human reaction to danger and stress. In this sense, it’s not always a bad thing. It serves a protective function and can help you prepare for high-pressure situations. But when anxiety takes control of your life and holds you back from achieving your hopes and dreams, that’s a sign that you might have an anxiety disorder. 

Although it’s tempting to try and overcome anxiety alone, it isn’t always possible. Sometimes the source of anxiety may be unconscious or rooted in unresolved trauma. As a counselor with years of experience treating anxiety, I am confident that I can help you get to the bottom of your stressors and experience peace of mind.

Therapy Can Help You Reduce Your Anxiety And Renew Your Sense Of Joy

Despite how common anxiety disorders are, part of you may feel embarrassed to admit you’re struggling. In anxiety counseling with me, you’ll be free to share all your feelings without any fear of shame or judgment. I will hold space for you in a supportive manner to ensure that you feel safe enough to reveal your worries. Together, you and I can explore different steps to help you take command of your anxiety and decrease its overall hold on your life. 

What To Expect In Sessions

In my practice, you get to lead the way and decide what issues to work on. If a problem comes up for you between sessions, we can explore it together and figure out what emotions it triggers. A lot of times, this kind of work leads to deeper, unaddressed issues like past trauma or neglect. For instance, maybe you feel that you didn’t get the love, acceptance, and support that you needed in the past. I want to help you provide these qualities for yourself so that you can be more self-sufficient. 

In addition to the deeper work of addressing trauma, you and I can explore practical strategies for decreasing your anxiety. These can include listening to music, practicing mindfulness and deep breathing, or anything else that helps you calm your mind and body. I want you to play to your strengths and do what works for you.

Tailoring Your Anxiety Treatment Plan

I often use a lot of art therapy techniques for treating anxiety. Art therapy is a great way to redirect your mind from intrusive thoughts. In sessions with me, you are welcome to draw, paint, build with clay, or do anything else that helps you feel centered and calm. You don’t need to have art training to benefit from this kind of therapy—the goal is to relieve stress, not to make museum-quality works of art. 

I also draw from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an approach that explores how thoughts affect emotions and how emotions impact behavior. By becoming more aware of negative thought patterns, you can consciously take steps to change the way you think. This can help you choose how you respond to anxiety instead of defaulting to automatic stress reactions. 

Whether you benefit from art therapy, CBT, or another approach, I want to help you find the right strategy for treating your anxiety. The good news is that anxiety is very treatable and there are so many different solutions out there. Between your dedication and my support, I am confident that you can decrease your symptoms and renew your sense of joy.

You May Have Some Concerns About Anxiety Counseling…

Will I have to take medication?

No, you don’t. If your anxiety is severe and interfering with your ability to function, we can explore medication as a treatment option, but whether you take it is your decision. Besides, I always encourage practicing different wellness strategies in therapy as a first step. After that, if you decide to try anti-anxiety meds, we can focus on finding a prescriber together.

How long will it take to decrease anxiety?

The length of treatment varies from client to client. A lot of the strategies we’ll explore can be implemented at any time and are very easy to do on your own. But as with any new skill, practice is essential. Once the strategies you learn become habitual and you no longer have to think so hard about them, I am confident that you will experience relief fairly quickly. 

Do you also provide therapy for children and teens with anxiety?

Yes, I have lots of experience helping children and teens overcome anxiety. When I work with these age groups, it’s important to let them know that anxiety is a normal reaction to stress even if it feels uncomfortable. As with adults, I focus on helping kids learn practical strategies that they can use to reduce their symptoms, whether that involves art, journaling, or any other activity they enjoy.

Let Me Help You Get To The Bottom Of Your Anxiety

If you want to dig deeper and figure out what’s driving your anxiety, I encourage you to pursue therapy with me. To start the healing process, you can call me at 917-819-5014 or use the contact page to set up a free, 15-minute phone consultation. 


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Anxiety Therapy In Rockville Centre, NY

100 N Village Ave,
Rockville Centre, NY 11570